If you want to use our optimized for-sale landers on your domain(s) you need to point your domain(s) to the 3 nameservers from Nameshift.
Click "Add domain" in your Domain overview and you will see your assigned nameservers, each account has a unique 3rd nameserver for verification purposes. It's important to use all 3 nameservers on your domains as some cctld's will not work without all 3 nameservers set.
Note: Some registrars require registration of the unique 3rd nameserver before it can be used.
Go to your registrar dashboard where you can change nameservers on domains, many registrars have a bulk option for this. For new added domains we request SSL certificates, this might take a few hours to work properly, until the SSL is working the domain will redirect to a for-sale lander so you will not lose traffic.
If you need assistance with setting up your nameservers please contact our support.